Transition Leadership Committee (TLC)

The TLC consists of Bishops Scanlan and Nichols, the president or a member of each Standing Committee, two at-large members from each diocese, two members of the Reunification Discernment Committee, and the Chancellor from each Diocese. The Bishops also appointed a chaplain from their respective diocese.
Committee Meeting

Diocese of Bethlehem

  • Bishop Nichols 
    • SC: The Rev. Doug Moyer 
    • RDT: The Rev. Rodney Con
    • At-Large: The Rev. Sidnie Crawford
    • At-Large: Canon Steve Baker
    • Chancellor: Mr. Wiley Parker, Esq. 
    • Staff: Canon Sandy Milien 
    • Chaplain: The Rev. Chris Sutton

Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

  • Bishop Scanlan
    • SC: Ms. Barbara Cross
    • RDT: Ms. Drew Dorgan
    • At-Large:  The Rev. James (Jim) Strader-Sasser
    • At-Large: The Rev. Lisa Work (Council of Trustees)
    • Chancellor: Mr. Michael McAuliffe Miller, Esq
    • Staff:  Ms. Nichol Free
    • Chaplain: The Ven. Jane Miron