The Transition Process is overseen by Bishops Scanlan and Nichols. The Standing Committees of each diocese will appoint a Transition Committee to ensure that the various aspects of the Convention mandate to reunify as one diocese are well coordinated as we move toward actual reunification on January 1, 2026. The Transition Committee will help facilitate communication with leadership bodies and collaboration among Working Groups by clarifying the descriptions and time frames for each, encouraging collaboration when there is overlap or intersection in their work, and providing means by which information is channeled to the appropriate diocesan bodies. Members of the Working Groups will be appointed by the Transition Committee.

Transition Timeline
Phase I
Begins January 2025 and ends with Joint Convention Oct 18-19, 2025
Phase II
Begins January 2025 and ends after 2025 Joint Convention
Phase III
Begins after the 2025 Joint Convention (longer-term work)
Working Groups
Phases I-II
Ministry of the Episcopate and Staffing
- Activity Description: With the support of a consultant and input from leadership bodies, the Bishops will continue their discernment regarding their roles in a reunified diocese, outline job descriptions for the Diocesan Bishop and Assistant Bishop, convene current staff, work through realignment of responsibilities, and collaboratively design a staff model, supporting budget, and timeline for implementation in the reunified diocese.
- Co-Chairs: Bishops Scanlan and Nichols
Constitution and Canons
- Activity Description: Continue to draft the Constitution and Canons for a reunified diocese, including Transition Canons related to populating leadership bodies, elections, budget/apportionment process, election of Diocesan Bishop, and the creation of the position of Assistant Bishop. Create opportunities for input and feedback on the Constitution and Canons. Finalize the Constitution and Canons to be presented for adoption at the October Joint Convention. Develop the process by which the Canons will be considered and voted on for adoption on the floor of Convention.
- Co-Chairs: Mr. Ty Welles, Esq., The Rev. Grant Ambrose
- Staff: Mr. Mike Miller, Esq. (CPA), The Rev. Canon Melinda Artman (Dio Beth)
Title IV Disciplinary Board
- Activity Description: Bringing the two current bodies into one in accordance with the new Constitution and Canons.
- Co-Chairs: The Rev. Michele Causton, Ms. Beth Watkins
Joint Finance Committee
- Activity Description: Develop a 2026 Budget for a Reunified Diocese for adoption at the 2025 Joint Convention including recommending fair share. [Recommend members for the Finance Committee….]
- Co-Chairs: Ms. Libby House, The Rev. Jim Jenkins
- Staff: Canon Chad Linder (CPA), Ms. Paula Lapinski (Dio Beth)
Legal Process of Becoming a Reunified Diocese
- Activity Description: Ensure a thorough and timely legal transition into the newly reunified diocese including (but not limited) to: Church Insurance issues, retitling endowments and follow-up regarding restrictions where necessary, follow-up with foundations, establish a process for reviewing church property deeds/titles and updating all deeds/titles to reflect ownership by the Reunified Dioceses with property held in trust by each parish…..
- Co-Chairs: Ms. Ginnie Schoonover,
- Staff: Vice chancellor (CPA), Ms. Linda Henry, Esq. (Dio Beth)
Shield and Branding for the Reunified Diocese
- Activity Description: Create the diocesan shield, diocesan logo, begin executing brand. (Fathom Design as potential contractor.)
- Co-Chairs: Ms. Jonna-Li Catrini, Ms. Drew Dorgan
- Staff: Ms. Erin Kamran (CPA), The Rev. Canon Barbara Harrison Seward (Dio Beth)
Offices for the New Diocese
- Activity Description: Design a model for “diocesan offices” that will serve to support this new diocese. Offices must serve a dispersed staff, a broad geographic area, and less centralized operations.
- Co-Chairs: The Very Rev. Jon Stratton, Mr. Jeff Druce
- Staff: The Rev. Stuart Scarborough, Deacon (CPA), Ms. Paula Lapinski
Ordination Process
- Activity Description: Develop a joint ordination process and a plan for transitioning into it.
- Co-Chairs: The Rev. Tim Allman, The Rev. Dina Ishler
- Consultant: The Rev. Barbara Hutchinson
- Staff: Ms. NIchol Free (CPA), The Rev. Canon Melinda Artman (Dio Beth)
Clergy Life and Ministry
- Activity Description: Review and revise the CPA clergy manual for the reunified diocese. In collaboration with Bishops Nichols and Scanlon, plan the 2025 clergy retreat. Consider other means by which to build and enhance relationships among and support for clergy of the reunified diocese.
- Co-Chairs: The Rev. Michele Moyer, The Rev. John Harwood
- Staff: The Rev. Veronica Chappell (CPA,) The Rev. Canon Barbara Harrison Seward (Dio Beth)
Social Justice Ministries
- Activity Description: To integrate and evolve existing ministries and enhance diocesan efforts in areas including racial justice, creation care, LGBTQ+ justice, migration ministry, and anti-gun violence.
- Co-Chairs: Ms. Cathy Bailey, The Rev. Celal Kamran
- Staff: Canon Micalagh Moritz (CPA), Canon Sandy Milien
Mission Granting Process
- Activity Description: Adapt the assessment relief model existing in the Diocese of Bethlehem and the mission resource models existing in both dioceses to serve the reunified diocese.
- Co-Chairs: Mr. Jim Harding, The Rev. Barbara Hutchinson
- Staff: Canon Chad Linder (CPA), Canon Steve Baker (Dio Beth)
Joint Convention Planning
- Activity Description: Prepare for the Joint Convention, Oct 18-19, 2025 in Scranton
- Co-Chairs: Administrative Staff to Lead
Safe Church
- Activity Description: Evaluate and consolidate Safe Church protocols and training materials.
- Co-Chairs: Canon Micalagh Moritz (CPA), Timothy Wagner (DioBeth)
Phases III
Stevenson School for Ministry
- Activity Description: Stabilize leadership and integrate into the life of the reunified diocese.
Kajo Kaji
- Activity Description: Evolve this ministry and relationship of the Diocese of Bethlehem as for the reunified diocese.